Federation members stories: Alan Reynolds

What it means to go fishing to some people? Here are a few
federation members stories and experience of the sheer enjoyment and fun you can have with fishing and joining our federation.
This account is from a senior member of ours Alan Reynolds a man that does the lot. Specialising in boat competitions.

Fishing to me isn’t just about catching fish but about making memories with family and friends. Every time I go fishing It always takes me back to when I was a kid of 4/5. I would stand at the dinning room window watching for my dads car to pull up after a fishing trip or boat competition. Before he could get to the back door we would run out to see his catch and hear the stories. It wasn’t long before my brother and I where going on these trips too. Dad gave us a rod and reel each from his collection. We where shown how to tie traces and we used spark plugs as weights as we couldn’t cast them past the weed lol. I caught my first fish at limerick point, it was a small wrasse and it was from that point I was truly hooked on fishing. Fast forward 33 and I’m still getting the same fun and pleasure out of fishing as that wee kid all them years ago landing my first fish.