Just a quick heads up for any visiting anglers for our two dayer this weekend.
This is the score card you will be working with.
Just a few points to note:
Circled in red is the running total column, it would be much appreciated if you fill this in as your catch is recorded.
Circled in pink at the bottom is your longest fish record section. At the end of each session it is the anglers responsibility to fill this in.
It basically speeds up the process of sorting the longest fish prizes with less hunting through cards for the commitee.
If this isn't filled in your card won't be considered for longest fish pool.
Circled in orange is the "fish points" box. Each fish is awarded 5pts on top of it's overall length. Please do not add the points to length of fish in running total. As in the example J.Brown had 3 fish therefore 3×5 =15, which is added in the specific box.
Also note at end of session, the angler who has been recording/measuring your fish should underline your last fish and sign off your card.
It would be much appreciated if all anglers could bring exact money (£55) to pay their entries as this speeds up process and limits cash handling with regard to covid etc.
On a completely different point, I would recommend waders for Session three at Portsalon.
Barry Platt
