NIFSA anglers were on a leg of the boat league today. Alan Reynolds takes up the report.
Today we had the 4th round of the boat league out of Ballycastle. The morning started of with a fine drizzle and poor visibility. Mackerel where hard to find but with a couple each we headed of to the first mark. Sean Mc Kay took us over rough ground which could only be fished on the drift. From the get go we were hammered with pollock and coalies. With a slight change of drift we also got into cuckoo wrasse, ballan wrasse and ling. The fishing was fast and furious and the rigs took a beating. Uel Moore weighed in the biggest pollock (7 1/4lb) and took the lead for the biggest fish prize. We then moved to the sand which proved to be very slow with dabs, weavers, doggies and Gurnards being caught at anchor. For the last few hours Sean took us to a new spot where we anchored up. The fishing picked up again with pollock, wrasse and pouting being caught. With the biggest fish on our minds we put a few big baits down and it wasn’t long before Armand’s rod doubled. After a decent fight a big conger surfaced of the back of the boat. After a few attempts we finally got it in the net. It weighed in at 31lb. Moment later it was my turn to land a conger which weighed in at 18.5lb which would be beaten by my second conger of 19lb. Everyone on board had a great day at sea. On the short sail back to harbour the score cards where totalled up.
1st Uel Moore
2nd David Mc Cormick
3rd Alan Reynolds
4th Armond
5th Mark McCreedy
Biggest fish to date- Alan Reynolds (19lb Conger)
NIFSA anglers were on a leg of the boat league today. Alan Reynolds takes up the report