Our Federation was borne out of the desire for anglers to fish together as a united Federation which respects all traditions. We are fully supportive of emerging anglers and anglers wanting to achieve the ultimate accolade in angling competition, fishing for their country.
We are here to help clubs in Northern Ireland through inexpensive Federation fees and fully covered insurance. Our clubs and individual members enjoy well run competitions as well as super sponsorship deals from all the top angling companies and private enterprises together with special discount from the biggest retailer in Northern Ireland, Belfast Angling Centre.
We hope that our Federation is bringing a new dawn of hope and excitement to sea angling in Northern Ireland and we are always ready and waiting to accept one and all into the ever expanding arms of Northern Ireland Federation of Sea Angling
Join us today and help get sea angling back to where it once was
Have a look at all the competitions you can fish.
Our Federation was born out of the desire for anglers to fish together as a united Federation which respects all traditions