Saturday 31 August saw leg five of our shore league sponsored by Daiwa.  Here's our recorders report

Saturday 31 August saw leg five of our shore league sponsored by Daiwa. Here's our recorders report.
Venue: Carnlough 1900-2400hrs
Tide/sea-state: Fishing three and a half hours up and one and a half down on a calm sea.
Weather: A mild evening with a brisk south-easterly which died as the evening progressed.
Species caught: dogfish, flounder, pouting, whiting and rockling.
Fishing on the East Antrim coast has been patchy this past two months and this was the case again last night.
There were a few flounder caught almost from the off but not in great numbers or in an anyway frantic fashion. The rod tips were kept nodding by a plague of little weavers which kept anglers on their toes until darkness approached and the dogfish started biting. There were a few dogs caught but the general consensus was that they weren't feeding frantically with a lot of guys complaining about initial "doggie rattles" not developing into proper bites and a lot of dropped fish when they were reeled into the shallower water.
Our two zone winners however had no such issues, both winning with only dogfish!
Zone A
1st Drew Ferguson 9 fish 495pts
2nd Harry McKee 6 fish 298pts
=3rd Jonny Henry 3 fish 165pts
=3rd Trev Mooney 3fish 165pts
Zone B
1st Gareth Bell 7 fish 385pts
2nd Andrew Logan 4 fish 220pts
3rd John Rodgers 3 fish 133pts
4th Ali Wall 2 fish 110pts
Longest flat Christopher Mccook 23cm flounder
Longest round tied 18cm
Chris McCook
John Rodgers
Harry Mckee
Next leg is Ballycastle.