Saturday past saw leg six of our shore league fished at Ballycastle

Saturday past saw leg six of our shore league fished at Ballycastle.
Here is our recorders report.
Venue: Ballycastle.
Tide/sea state: Fished the ebb on a nice rolly surf with no weed.
Weather: Light winds and very muggy.
Species caught: flounder, pollack, whiting, coalie and dogs.
This looked like a perfect evening for shore fishing but the fish where not there in any great numbers and anglers had to work very hard to get a fish on the score card.
Nevertheless there was fish caught with the highlight being junior angler Niall McCook bettering his third place finish in his last match with a second place this time thanks to his six flatties.
Zone A
1st Gareth Bell 5 fish 180pts
2nd Niall McCook 6 fish 143pts
3rd Bobby Laughlin 4 fish 114pts
4th Harry McKee 4 fish 98pts
Zone B
1st Paul Hill 4 fish 165 pts
2nd Andrew Logan 3 fish 165pts
3rd Barry Platt 4 fish 156pts
4th Steve Clements 81pts
Longest flatfish was a 35cm flounder caught by Bobby Laughlin while the round fish pool was tied between three anglers on 18cm which suggests how poor the fishing was.