Species hunt 2022.
This weekend saw the ballan wrasse leg of the species hunt take place in some pretty horrible conditions particularly on the east coast rock marks with some marks being unfishable due to the southerly winds which were swinging s.e and then back to s.w.
Torrential rain at times also made the going hard. Nevertheless, while there wasn't a pile of ballans caught, those that were registered were of an excellent stamp this year with four fish over 40cm and twelve over the 30cm mark.
Top three rods were
Uel Moore 44cm
Colin Reilly 42cm
Gary McCurry 41cm
A special mention should go to species hunter extraordinaire Paddy O'boyle aka "the hipster", back from the dead with a nice 40cm fish for fourth place.
Full list of fish registered is listed, so please shout if you spot any mistakes and I'll rectify before updating the league.
Next leg is pollack 29-31July.
Species hunt 2022