Airflo Light Trout PolyLeader

Size: Clear Floating 5ft
Sale price£6.99 GBP


Airflo Light Trout PolyLeader

To achieve perfect turnover and to avoid the hinge effect, these polyleaders are made from the same material as the fly line. Standard monofilament leaders are unable to achieve this as they are made of a stiffer material than the fly line and do not provide a smooth transitional taper.

Polyleaders are attached to the tip of your fly line by a loop to loop connection and provide a perfect taper all the way to the exposed mono to which you can attach your chosen tippet.

  • Clear Floating 5ft - 
  • Clear Intermediate 5ft - sink rate: 1.5' per second
  • Fast Sink Brown 5ft - sink rate: 3' per second
  • Slow Sink Green 5ft - sink rate: 2' per second
  • Super Fast Sinking Grey 5ft - sink rate: 5' per second
  • Extra Fast Sink Black 5ft - sink rate: 7' per second
  • Strength: 8 lbs

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