Berkley Gulp! Saltwater Crabby LRF Lures

Size: 2inch / 5cm
Flavour: Breen
Sale price£7.99 GBP


Berkley Gulp! Saltwater Crabby LRF Lures

The Japanese really did get Berkley Gulp! right, molding it into various shapes and sizes for all manner of fish, from sandworms to straw tails, pulse worms to crabbies, there is literally a gulp product for every single LRF application!

We’ve been dreaming about something like this for quite some time. Imagine a creature bait made of gulp, Imagine the damage they could do, imagine the fish they could catch?  

Last year we saw the first of these coming into the UK, to say we were stunned was an understatement, we had to have them!  Rigorous testing over the summer has produced loads of different species on the Berkley Gulp! Saltwater Crabby 2” which is best presented on micro cheb rigs and stand up style jig heads.  Don’t let the size put you off, we’ve had 3 inch sea scorpions manage to inhale these!

  • Perfect Crawfish Imitation
  • 2 inches or 2.5 inches long, bitesize for wrasse and flounder!
  • Gulp! Formula, tried and tested
  • 10 per pack

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