Gearkeeper RT5 Micro Retractable Super Zinger ** Snap Clip clearout **

Option: Carabiner
Sale price£17.99 GBP


Gear Keeper Retractable Super Zinger


Use: Nippers, forceps and other small fishing tools

Description: The RT5 Micro series Gear Keeper is a small/light package, strong 40# break-strength, long 36" extension gives full arms reach, with a 2.5oz retraction force that handles both nippers and forceps.

Solid, reliable Carabiner mount with Disconnectable gear end.

Micro Clip

Use: Nippers, forceps and other small fishing tools

Description: The RT5 Micro series Gear Keeper is a small/light package, strong 40# break-strength, long 36" extension gives full arms reach, with a 2.5oz retraction force that handles both nippers and forceps.

Solid, reliable swivel snap clip for attachment to small d-rings and straps with Disconnectable gear end.

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