Owner Cultiva Mushi Power Worm Jig Heads

Type: 6g / #5
Sale price£5.50 GBP


Owner Cultiva Mushi Power Worm Jig Heads

Owner  jigheads are among the worlds most renowned, extra sharp hooks often presented in specialist configurations for different styles of fishing.  Much sought after by UK and Irish anglers these heads are some of the best we've come across.  

We got excited when we saw these Mushi Power heads were available, a slightly heavier head for presenting creatures and shads of 2 or 3 inches in length with the addition of a bottom attachment point to add stingers and even tanago rigs to the mix.  The hooks on these heads are EXTREMELY heavy gauge meaning you can fish them for powerful wrasse and bigger pollack without fear of straightening out on those bigger fish.

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