Sonubaits Super Crush Groundbait
50:50 Method:Paste Green
Method feeder fishing is one of the most popular techniques used by modern match anglers, this means the fish have probably already been caught on it a number of times and therefore can be a bit wary or in some lakes, they have changed the way they feed.
This was noticed by Des Shipp when he kept getting knocks on the Method but they were not turning into proper bites. This is because the fish were knocking all the groundbait off the feeder without touching the hookbait so effectively leaving the hookbait with no feed around it which defeats the object of fishing a Method feeder. So we decided to make a groundbait which was stickier, harder, denser and easy to compact onto a Method feeder for venues where this occurs.
50:50 Method Paste Green has a very high protein content which comes from fishmeals and ground pellets, and it is this which helps it compact round a Method feeder, this means it will easily withstand the impact of casting, hitting the water and the drop through the water and any little knocks from fish trying to knock away the groundbait. It is also for this reason that it has gained a big following for Method feeder fishing in deep water both in the UK and Europe.
50:50 Method Paste Green is a rich dark green colour perfectly suited to commercial fisheries.
It is not just a bait for the Method as the name suggests. The high fishmeal content lends itself perfectly to creating a paste for the pole just by adding more water if you prefer a really sloppy paste then keep adding water until the desired consistency is reached.
Des Shipp (England International) says: "50:50 is my go-to groundbait in deeper water, especially when targeting bream and an odd carp. The strong fishmeal smell seems to hold fish in the peg for ages, with the original green version being a particular favourite of mine in slightly clearer water. One the best things about this groundbait is that it works perfectly on a method feeder and on the pole meaning I only need one mix to keep catching all session."
Bream Feeder
Fishing for Bream on commercial fisheries and natural venues is becoming more and more popular both in the UK and Europe.
So we developed a groundbait perfectly suited for the modern angler fishing for Bream.
It is golden yellow in colour which is the colour of a traditional groundbait for bream, this colour attracts shoals of bream and skimmers as it will stand out on most lake beds.
Salted Caramel
A stunning blend of crushed pellets and sweet biscuit with added fishmeal, salt, and caramel flavour. Salted Caramel is supplied in Sonubaits market leading 2kg Supercrush range and lends itself perfectly to all aspects of match, coarse and carp fishing. A super high-quality ingredient list includes one of the most actively sought minerals for all coarse species, salt. This salt content is complimented by an intensely attractive caramel scent and flavour, a combination that all quality coarse fish will find irresistible. Good binding qualities ensure Supercrush Salted Caramel can be easily mixed for use on the Method feeder and is also capable of carrying added particles when fed by hand or via a pole mounted pot on commercial or natural venues alike. Ideal for all coarse species including carp, bream, tench and crucian carp.
Bream Feeder is made by crushing fish pellets, fishmeal and corn-based ingredients all of which are proven baits for Bream. They are crushed to leave bigger particles which will stay on the bottom as the shoal of bream sift through the groundbait looking for the bigger particles, this means the shoal stays feeding for longer, it also creates more competition so they are more likely to get caught. Because the larger particles are heavy they will also drop back to the lake bed so keeping the feeding area going for longer.
Margin Carp
A mix for catching lumps down the edge. We all know that a match can be won or lost in the last hour as often the bigger fish move to the edge and start feeding confidently, this is why it is important to have the right groundbait to feed in the edge.
Carp are attracted to groundbait and they will come in and feed confidently if the area is primed. The problem with a lot of groundbaits that people use for catching carp in the margins is they are too light and don't contain enough feed to keep the fish feeding. Often when carp come into the margins they will stir up the bottom when feeding and as soon as they are hooked all the groundbait which has brought them to the margin is wafted away by the hooked fish.
Because of this, we created a groundbait which not only draws the carp to the margins but also keeps them there as even if the fish kicks up the groundbait, the majority of it will drop back down in the same area rather than being washed away.
We have created this groundbait by using heavy ingredients which we have crushed into small particle sizes, this means that once you add water they soak it up and become heavy so when a fish does stir the groundbait up the weight of the particle size takes it back to the bottom very quickly and therefore keeps the rest of the fish feeding in the margins.
Andy Power (Commercial Specialist) says"I get through a lot of this when the bigger carp get caught in the margins, I mix it as soon as I get to my peg to make sure are the particles are as heavy as the can be, when I sense the time is right I will cup some in loose to move out any fish which are there without spooking them and then I will put plenty in for when the fish come back and start feeding, it is the best mix to use when fishing for carp in the margins."
Green Marine
Green groundbaits have long been a favourite amongst anglers and while commercial carp fishing kicked off the popularity of green mixes, more recent times have seen a rise in popularity across all types of venues and in a multitude of angling disciplines.
Marine Green is part of our market leading 2kg Supercrush range and is an incredibly versatile and immensely attractive mix that combines Koi, Coarse and Marine Halibut pellets with potent fishmeals and naturally sought after marine feeding stimulators. These include an attractive form of marine algae that adds a salty, fishy flavour to the groundbait whilst offering nutritional value that all fish actively seek.
Can be introduced with traditional style feeder tactics, Method feeders or fed loose or in a ball when used in conjunction with float tactics. Perfect for carp, F1’s, bream and all other quality fish.