Vercelli Tapered Shock Leader

Save £4.80 GBP

Colour: Transparent
Size: 0.20mm - 0.57mm
Sale price£7.19 GBP Regular price£11.99 GBP


Vercelli Tapered Shock Leader

Set of 15 metre tapered leaders, specifically designed for surf casting. Made from high-quality copolymer with excellent knot strength and superior abrasion resistance, ending in a powerful 0.57-0.70 mm diameter; the first 5 metres are tapered, increasing from the initial diameter up the shock diameter for the final 10 metres, perfectly cushioning the impact of even the hardest casts.

  • Set of 15 metre tapered leaders, specifically designed for surf casting
  • Made from high-quality copolymer with excellent knot strength and superior abrasion resistance
  • The first 5 metres are tapered, increasing from the initial diameter up to the shock diameter for the final 10 metres, perfectly cushioning the impact of even the hardest casts

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