Start of the season

March is always a funny month with cloudy cold weather one day quickly followed by blazing sunshine the next. Indeed, as the saying goes 'In like a lion and out like a lamb' can be very true at times. We have noticed a lot of anglers coming into our shops that we haven't seen in a few months, the 'hibernators' we call them, bringing with them the first flush of spring and the promise of future trade and sport. This time of the year is the best time for getting potential new anglers into the sport. We at Fishing Tackle 2U fully support and encourage new blood to take up angling, and indeed we are always ready to give a big helping hand to help people get started. Call either Belfast Angling Centre or Mckee's Angling Centre and we will gladly show what is needed and the least expensive route to start fishing for your chosen discipline, be it salt or freshwater. We are particularly keen for younger people to go of the phones and Ipads for a while and come in to get a starter pack, they will love it.